Patient information
Patient information & Practice Policies
Here’s what you can expect
Taree Medical Centre is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal health information. Your medical record is a confidential document. This practice has a policy to maintain security of personal health information at all times, and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members or staff. We have a more comprehensive Privacy Policy that you are welcome to read upon request.
After your consultation with your doctor, full payment is required via Cash or EFTPOS/credit card. If you have any questions in regard to your payment please speak to Reception Staff.
Our practice uses a reminder system to improve the quality of your health care. On your doctor’s behalf, the practice sends reminders by mail, telephone or SMS for procedures such as vaccinations, pap smears and other health reviews that you may be due for.
You may have consistently consulted with a GP at another practice. The health information held by that GP may assist your doctor at Taree Medical Centre with your further health care needs. You may wish to have a copy or summary of your health records transferred to this practice. Please ask the receptionist for information about how this can take place.
We ask patients to book follow-up appointments with their doctors to review any test results before being discharged from care. You may also be asked to ring us back to make sure your results have arrived and ascertain whether there is any need to be reviewed before your scheduled next appointment. Please note that results can only be given to you by your GP. Please advise the practice if you are unable to proceed with any recommendations (referral, management plans, etc) so that other arrangements can be made for you.